Red circle logo reading Wring at LaGuardia: Foundation & Transformation

Teaching Writing at LaGuardia

Category: Cross Course

  • Black and white street scene of protest with people with fists raised.

    Close Reading & Analysis: An Assignment to Support the Move from ENA/G101 to ENG102 by Leah Richards 

    Image Credit: Koshu Kunii, Unsplash Timeline: late in semester, almost entirely in class; we’ll take as long as we need for each part Text: a short work of social issue/social protest fiction (or poetry) that aligns with class themes; story will be printed out, with generous margins and space between lines to facilitate writing all…


  • The Revision Process and Applied Grammar for ENG 101 by Misun Dokko

    For a unit on revision, students revise their first and second high stakes papers during the last two weeks of class. As an introduction to this unit, students reflect on their past experiences with revision, learn the definition of revision (in contrast to proofreading), and get familiar with four objectives of revision (follow original directions,…


  • “I’m From” Poetry Activity, Lecture, and Lesson Plan by Caron Knauer

    I use the resource referenced below to begin a discussion about poetry before we do the activity inwhich students write an “I’m From” poem, template below, and share reactions to it emotionally, narratively, and tonally and then they write a reflection. Activity Lesson Plan Poetry Explication OER Commons Lesson- go over pages 3-6 of…


  • Black Text with words Point of View and yellow, red, and blue paintbrush swish

    Lauren Navarro: Point of View

    Dr. Navarro ENG 102 In-Class Work: “The Yellow Wallpaper”  Point of View John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage. John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and…


  • Black text reading Researching Context with yellow, red, and blue paintbrush stripe

    Leah Richards–Researching Context to Enhance Close Reading

    Hemingway’s “The Revolutionist” is a very short story–under 400 words–where not much seems to happen.  However, with some basic research into the context of and references in the story, it becomes much richer, so your first online assignment for class will ask you to do some research. We will use Slack as our primary means…


  • Black Slack logo with yellow, green, blue, and green pound sign

    Leah Richards–Using Slack / Google Drive and Google Docs

    We are using Slack and Google Drive/Docs to simplify the dissemination of information and assignments for class.  Both platforms are free, and there are mobile-friendly versions of each.  I will distribute assignments and other class materials through Slack, which we will also use for discussion between class meetings.   SLACK Slack is essentially our online class…


  • Black and white illustration of a laptop computer with the text Digital Platform on screen and images of platforms surrounding screen

    Tara Coleman–Setting up the Technology Components of English 101 + Writing Diagnostic

    We will use three platforms in this class: Google Drive: this is for creating and sharing documents. You will use it to write your rough drafts, do peer review and revisions, and submit your final drafts. You will also type up some of the homework assignments here. Anything you are writing for this class should…


  • Image of a conveyor belt with different kinds of sources leading to a middle image of an MLA citation

    Elliot Hearst: Basic In-text Citation Formatting and Works Cited Pages

    In-Text Citation Basic Format A sentence with a quote has three components: the signal phrase, the quote, and the in-text citation. You can also follow the quote with your own words, but for simplicity we will just consider a quote with a signal phrase followed by an in-text citation for now. The signal phrase is…


  • Laptop on green background with a white page displaying a blank questionnaire

    Judith Nell Foster: Substitute Introductory Questionnaire

    Languages Introduction (please read through instructions slowly before beginning your responses.):  Everything about our experiences of learning anything involves language – speaking, writing, signing; it is so integral to our day to day lives that we hardly give it a thought until we lose our voice or are in situations that make us afraid or…
