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Teaching Writing at LaGuardia

Category: ENG 102

  • Voice of Reason Creative Writing Assignment based on “The Lottery” for ENG 102 by Ellie McGurty

    This is a low stake writing assignment done before students began their formal essay.  Directions: After reading the following excerpt from “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, follow the instructions for your creative writing piece. “Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones. The pile…


  • In-Class Research and Writing Assignment on Susan Glaspell’s Trifles for ENG 102 by David Sibbitt

    Analyzing a play, researching secondary sources, and preparing to write a full-length essay on Trifles Type of Assignment: Low-stakes, in-class writing and researching exercise Adapted From: Final exercise of Drama Unit available on OER Commons Required Reading / Watching: Susan Glaspell’s Trifles Text of Trifles accessed from Internet Archive Video of “A Jury of Her Peers”…


  • “I’m From” Poetry Activity, Lecture, and Lesson Plan by Caron Knauer

    I use the resource referenced below to begin a discussion about poetry before we do the activity inwhich students write an “I’m From” poem, template below, and share reactions to it emotionally, narratively, and tonally and then they write a reflection. Activity Lesson Plan Poetry Explication OER Commons Lesson- go over pages 3-6 of…


  • OER Freewriting Activity in conjunction with James Baldwin’s short story, “Sonny’s Blues,” developed by Alice Rosenblitt-Lacey for either ENG 102 or ENG 103

    OER text: OER activity from this text: Freewriting Scroll down to the “Prewriting” section in the “Table of Contents” and click on “Freewriting” for the instructions for freewriting (presented in both text and video format). Freewriting Activity  Begin with the discussion question: Which of the two brothers, the narrator or Sonny, was your…


  • OER Assignments and Activities for ENG 102


  • Keeping a Reading Log for a Play and Reading an Abstract in ENG 102 by Caron Knauer

    Resources Needed: An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen, adapted by Arthur Miller published by Longman Literature, 1993. Warm-up – first class: Accessing prior information What is a whistleblower? – have students share their thoughts. Can they name one? Ask students if they’ve heard of Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha? Discuss. Watch Splash clip:      Ask…


  • Transitioning from ENA 101 to ENG 102: A Low Stakes Writing Assignment by Anita Baksh

    Rationale:  Students sometimes have difficulty recognizing how the writing skills acquired in ENG/A 101 transfer to ENG 102. They also might be intimidated by the practice of reading and writing about literature. To assist them with this transition, I introduce them to a short piece of literature and have them practice analyzing and writing about…


  • Black text Important Updates with yellow, red, and blue paintbrush stripe

    Spring 2022 Syllabus Updates

    Reminders that as we head into a new semester, that in addition to the usual information, you should include the following on your syllabus: 1. Your contact information 2. Mode of instruction 3. Course learning objectives (course proposals can be found on our SharePoint site) 4. Pathways SLOs for the Pathways category of the course you are teaching (see below) 5.…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 102 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Bethany Holmstrom–ENG 102 Syllabus

    ENG 102: Composition II Writing Through Literature Sections 0873 & 0874 / LaGuardia Community College, CUNY Instructor Info:  Professor Bethany HolmstromE-mail: [email protected] Occasional TA on Zoom: Leela Holmstrom  Meeting info: Entirely asynchronous, work due every Monday and (some) Wednesdays  by midnight Zoom Student Hour-ish (optional!) on Wednesdays from 12:45-2pm (link posted in Class Basics in Google Classroom)To join…


  • Black Text with words Point of View and yellow, red, and blue paintbrush swish

    Lauren Navarro: Point of View

    Dr. Navarro ENG 102 In-Class Work: “The Yellow Wallpaper”  Point of View John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage. John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and…


  • Black text reading Researching Context with yellow, red, and blue paintbrush stripe

    Leah Richards–Researching Context to Enhance Close Reading

    Hemingway’s “The Revolutionist” is a very short story–under 400 words–where not much seems to happen.  However, with some basic research into the context of and references in the story, it becomes much richer, so your first online assignment for class will ask you to do some research. We will use Slack as our primary means…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 102 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Paul Fess–ENG 102 Syllabus

    English 102 – Composition II: Writing Through Literature  Sections 0881 & 0883  Fall I 2020 | 3 Credit Hours  Lecture-Discussion-Workshop  Contact Information:  Instructor: Professor Paul Fess  Instructor Email: [email protected]  Class Meetings: Asynchronous; complete the work each week at your own pace; just make sure you turn it in by  week’s end  Virtual office hours: Mondays…
