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Teaching Writing at LaGuardia

Category: Syllabus

  • Syllabus Checklist

    Coming soon: examples of syllabus language


  • Black text Important Updates with yellow, red, and blue paintbrush stripe

    Spring 2022 Syllabus Updates

    Reminders that as we head into a new semester, that in addition to the usual information, you should include the following on your syllabus: 1. Your contact information 2. Mode of instruction 3. Course learning objectives (course proposals can be found on our SharePoint site) 4. Pathways SLOs for the Pathways category of the course you are teaching (see below) 5.…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 103 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Deirdre Flood–ENG 103 Syllabus

    ENG 103: THE RESEARCH PAPER  Fall 2020  ENG 103.0908  Prof. Deirdre Flood Email: [email protected]  Format: Asynchronous  Office Hours: Mondays 2:00-5:00 PM via Zoom  Course Description from College Catalog:  In this course, students engage in the process of developing an independent academic research project. The course emphasizes strategies for selecting an appropriate academic research topic; formulating research…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 103 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Naomi Stubbs–ENG 103 Syllabus

    LaGuardia Community College, English Department The Research Paper, ENG103.0907 (31661) Fall I 2020 Instructor Dr. Naomi Stubbs                  Email: [email protected] Slack preferred Virtual office hours: Weds 11-12 and by appointment, via Zoom Course Description In this course, students engage in the process of developing an independent academic research…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 102 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Bethany Holmstrom–ENG 102 Syllabus

    ENG 102: Composition II Writing Through Literature Sections 0873 & 0874 / LaGuardia Community College, CUNY Instructor Info:  Professor Bethany HolmstromE-mail: [email protected] Occasional TA on Zoom: Leela Holmstrom  Meeting info: Entirely asynchronous, work due every Monday and (some) Wednesdays  by midnight Zoom Student Hour-ish (optional!) on Wednesdays from 12:45-2pm (link posted in Class Basics in Google Classroom)To join…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 102 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Paul Fess–ENG 102 Syllabus

    English 102 – Composition II: Writing Through Literature  Sections 0881 & 0883  Fall I 2020 | 3 Credit Hours  Lecture-Discussion-Workshop  Contact Information:  Instructor: Professor Paul Fess  Instructor Email: [email protected]  Class Meetings: Asynchronous; complete the work each week at your own pace; just make sure you turn it in by  week’s end  Virtual office hours: Mondays…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 102 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Leah Richards–ENG 102 Syllabus

    ENG102: Writing through Literature Section 0894// Fall 2020 Distance Learning LaGuardia Community College, CUNY  Prof. Richards (she/her)  Online Hub:  (links to everything) How Are We Having Class?  How to reach me:  @prof.richards on Slack or  [email protected]  Zoom Meeting Room: (waiting room enabled): [address redacted]  This section of ENG102, like most classes this semester, will…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 101 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    J. Elizabeth Clark: ENG 101 Syllabus

    What is English 101? Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to a new semester at LaGuardia Community College. Whether you’re new to the college or just new to this class, I’m really excited to work with you!  My name is J. Elizabeth Clark. You can call me Liz. I’ll be your professor this semester. …


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 101 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Rochell Isaac: ENG 101 Syllabus

    ENGLISH 101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1  FREEDOM, SOCIETY & THE SELF   Dr. Rochell Isaac, [email protected]  Fall Semester 2020  English 101.0788 (31182)/ENA 101.0689  Class Hours: TTh (1:00-3:15p.m.)  Room: Fully Remote   Credits: 3; 4 Hours  Mailbox: E103, English Department  Office: M-109L  Office Hours: TTh (11:30-12:30pm) or by appointment.  “We die. That may be the meaning of life. But…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 101 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez: ENG 101 Syllabus

    LaGuardia Community College   Fall 2020  Name: Dr. Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez | Email: [email protected] Class “Officially” Scheduled For: Tuesdays & Thursday 9:15am-11:30am  Virtual Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:00am-10:00am  *THIS COURSE WILL RUN MOSTLY AS ASYNCHRONOUS*  COURSE DESCRIPTION   From course catalog: In this course students write coherent essays in varied academic formats, both  in and out of…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 101 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Marisa A. Klages-Bombich: ENA 101 Syllabus

    ENA/G 101      Composition 1 Contact Information:  Professor:  Marisa A. Klages-Bombich Ph.D. Office:   Zoom [link redacted] Text: 206-619-9030                                 e-mail: [email protected]  #Slack: [Link redacted] Class Meeting Times This class will be conducted asynchronously. This means that you will NOT be     required to be on Zoom for three hours weekly for this class.  We will…


  • Black Text Logo: Syllabus Sections with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Sample Syllabus Sections

    Attendance/Engagement Policies Class Environs policies Explanations of synchronous and asynchronous meetings Statements of Support Grade Breakdowns Journal Entries/Weekly Responses Revision Policies Assignments Sequences Miscellaneous  1.     Attendance/Engagement Policies:  Cristy Bruns, ENG 102: Engagement Policy (formerly Attendance Policy) Since our distance learning class is mostly asynchronous, taking attendance doesn’t apply in the usual way. Instead…
