OER Texts
College Writing, (Lumens textbook with a comprehensive guide that has very short, simple discussions of almost every research paper-related topic with embedded videos and exercises)
OER text from Ryerson University with a search feature:
- https://pressbooks.library.ryerson.ca/writehere/front-matter/preface/
- and
- https://pressbooks.library.ryerson.ca/writehere/ with a YouTube for every chapter: Write Here, Right Now playlist
Frameworks for Academic Writing textbook:
- https://spoulter6.wixsite.com/frameworks
- text: Frameworks for Academic Writing (detailed step-by-step guide designed for ESL ADL, LD and ADHD learners)
OER Earlier American Literature, thorough and diverse:
SUNY Empire thesis generator:
The research paper writing process via Chapman U:
Annotated bibliography defined:
Annotated bibliography example:
Integrating sources into paragraphs:
APA citation instruction:
Integrating sources into research papers with differing perspectives:
Purdue Owl reference generator for APA:
Supplemental Materials
Useful guide from Eastern Michigan University:
Research Guides, OER texts, syllabi, video resources:
List of OER texts from Colorado State University; see “Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing”:
Pressbooks directory, 2416 books:
- https://pressbooks.directory/?q=research%20paper
- https://networkmanagerguide.pressbooks.com/chapter/how-to-use-the-pressbooks-directory/ (has a search feature)
Open Oregon
- https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/aboutwriting/ (has a search feature)*
Open Maricopa
- https://open.maricopa.edu/guidetowritingaresearchpaperbykassiehaywood/ (student audio narration)