- Name, email address, office location, and office hours
- How would you like students to contact you outside of class hours?
- Course meeting time and location
- The course name and section number
- The course modality (even though it’s in person, we are encouraging people to include this on all syllabi to help students identify the modality of their courses)
- Double check that any older language from a previously online or hybrid course modality is removed if you are fully in person
- The most current course description
- The Pathways SLOs (for ENA/ENG101 and ENG102, see individual course pages)
- The course performance objectives (found on the Student Intro To sheets)
- Required texts
- Other required materials
- Clear grading policy
- Clear revision policy
- Clear attendance policy (refer to the department’s newly updated attendance policy. Optional sample syllabus statements to explain attendance and participation to students are also available on the attendance page.)
- Descriptions of major assignments
- Submission guidelines for work
- Policy on late or missed work
- Double check that the grading criteria does not include “attendance” or “participation” as part of the overall grade without a concrete way to measure this (e.g. you can count participation if you are evaluating low-stakes writing. You cannot give a subjective grade for being present and contributing to class discussion.)
- Policy on generative AI
- Additional expectations, especially for returning to in-person classes (e.g. cell phones away, note-taking guidelines, late arrivals, etc.)
- A link to resources on campus such as the Writing Center and the Office of Accessibility
- A statement about Mental Health & Wellness
- A weekly calendar with readings, assignments, and class topics
- A link or reference to LaGuardia’s declaration of pluralism
Coming soon: examples of syllabus language