Red circle logo reading Wring at LaGuardia: Foundation & Transformation

Teaching Writing at LaGuardia

Tag: distance learning

  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 102 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Bethany Holmstrom–ENG 102 Syllabus

    ENG 102: Composition II Writing Through Literature Sections 0873 & 0874 / LaGuardia Community College, CUNY Instructor Info:  Professor Bethany HolmstromE-mail: [email protected] Occasional TA on Zoom: Leela Holmstrom  Meeting info: Entirely asynchronous, work due every Monday and (some) Wednesdays  by midnight Zoom Student Hour-ish (optional!) on Wednesdays from 12:45-2pm (link posted in Class Basics in Google Classroom)To join…


  • Black and white illustration of a laptop computer with the text Digital Platform on screen and images of platforms surrounding screen

    Tara Coleman–Setting up the Technology Components of English 101 + Writing Diagnostic

    We will use three platforms in this class: Google Drive: this is for creating and sharing documents. You will use it to write your rough drafts, do peer review and revisions, and submit your final drafts. You will also type up some of the homework assignments here. Anything you are writing for this class should…


  • Black Text Reading Distance Learning Resources with yellow, red and blue paintbrush stripe

    Distance Learning Resources

    English Department Presentations How To Videos A collection of student-facing videos on BlackBoard, Slack, Google Classroom, ePortfolio, and general technology. Distance Learning in the Time of Covid-19 (March 2020) Compiled by Bethany Holmstrom, Leah Richards, Allia Abdullah-Matta, Jacqueline Jones, Dominique Zino, Tara Coleman, Belkis Gonzalez, and Linda Chandler. This comprehensive PowerPoint (51 slides!) offers excellent…
