Marisa A. Klages-Bombich: ENA 101 Syllabus
ENA/G 101 Composition 1 Contact Information: Professor: Marisa A. Klages-Bombich Ph.D. Office: Zoom [link redacted] Text: 206-619-9030 e-mail: [email protected] #Slack: [Link redacted] Class Meeting Times This class will be conducted asynchronously. This means that you will NOT be required to be on Zoom for three hours weekly for this class. We will…
Ximena Gallardo C.: ENA 101 Syllabus
ENG/A 101: Mastering Digital Literacy Ximena Gallardo C. (English)/she/her; Ann Matsuuchi (Library) [email protected]; [email protected] Mirror site (in case Blackboard is down): https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Doctorxgc ENG 101 Tu 1:00PM – 3:15PM and Th 1:00PM – 3:15PM …
Cristy Bruns: ENA 101 Syllabus
ENG/ENA 101: Composition I – An Introduction to Expository Writing LaGuardia Community College ENG 101-0735 and ENA 101-0721 **With the move to distance learning, our class will be conducted mostly “asynchronously,” which means almost no mandatory meeting times when everyone must be online. I will notify everyone far in advance of any required meetings and…