Transitioning from ENA 101 to ENG 102: A Low Stakes Writing Assignment by Anita Baksh
Rationale: Students sometimes have difficulty recognizing how the writing skills acquired in ENG/A 101 transfer to ENG 102. They also might be intimidated by the practice of reading and writing about literature. To assist them with this transition, I introduce them to a short piece of literature and have them practice analyzing and writing about…
Paul Fess–ENG 102 Syllabus
English 102 – Composition II: Writing Through Literature Sections 0881 & 0883 Fall I 2020 | 3 Credit Hours Lecture-Discussion-Workshop Contact Information: Instructor: Professor Paul Fess Instructor Email: [email protected] Class Meetings: Asynchronous; complete the work each week at your own pace; just make sure you turn it in by week’s end Virtual office hours: Mondays…
Leah Richards–ENG 102 Syllabus
ENG102: Writing through Literature Section 0894// Fall 2020 Distance Learning LaGuardia Community College, CUNY Prof. Richards (she/her) Online Hub: (links to everything) eng102-0894.slack.com How Are We Having Class? How to reach me: @prof.richards on Slack or [email protected] Zoom Meeting Room: (waiting room enabled): [address redacted] This section of ENG102, like most classes this semester, will…