Paul Fess–ENG 102 Syllabus
English 102 – Composition II: Writing Through Literature Sections 0881 & 0883 Fall I 2020 | 3 Credit Hours Lecture-Discussion-Workshop Contact Information: Instructor: Professor Paul Fess Instructor Email: pfess@lagcc.cuny.edu Class Meetings: Asynchronous; complete the work each week at your own pace; just make sure you turn it in by week’s end Virtual office hours: Mondays…
J. Elizabeth Clark: ENG 101 Syllabus
What is English 101? Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to a new semester at LaGuardia Community College. Whether you’re new to the college or just new to this class, I’m really excited to work with you! My name is J. Elizabeth Clark. You can call me Liz. I’ll be your professor this semester. …
Rochell Isaac: ENG 101 Syllabus
ENGLISH 101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 FREEDOM, SOCIETY & THE SELF Dr. Rochell Isaac, risaac@lagcc.cuny.edu Fall Semester 2020 English 101.0788 (31182)/ENA 101.0689 Class Hours: TTh (1:00-3:15p.m.) Room: Fully Remote Credits: 3; 4 Hours Mailbox: E103, English Department Office: M-109L Office Hours: TTh (11:30-12:30pm) or by appointment. “We die. That may be the meaning of life. But…