Ximena Gallardo C.: ENA 101 Syllabus
ENG/A 101: Mastering Digital Literacy Ximena Gallardo C. (English)/she/her; Ann Matsuuchi (Library) [email protected]; [email protected] Mirror site (in case Blackboard is down): https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Doctorxgc ENG 101 Tu 1:00PM – 3:15PM and Th 1:00PM – 3:15PM …
Cristy Bruns: ENA 101 Syllabus
ENG/ENA 101: Composition I – An Introduction to Expository Writing LaGuardia Community College ENG 101-0735 and ENA 101-0721 **With the move to distance learning, our class will be conducted mostly “asynchronously,” which means almost no mandatory meeting times when everyone must be online. I will notify everyone far in advance of any required meetings and…
ENG 103–The Research Paper
Course Description 3 credits; 3 hours In this course, students engage in the process of developing an independent academic research project. The course emphasizes strategies for selecting an appropriate academic research topic; formulating research questions; conducting, integrating and citing research; and developing an argument. Students deepen their sense of audience awareness, as they engage in…