English Department Presentations
How To Videos
A collection of student-facing videos on BlackBoard, Slack, Google Classroom, ePortfolio, and general technology.
Distance Learning in the Time of Covid-19 (March 2020)
Compiled by Bethany Holmstrom, Leah Richards, Allia Abdullah-Matta, Jacqueline Jones, Dominique Zino, Tara Coleman, Belkis Gonzalez, and Linda Chandler. This comprehensive PowerPoint (51 slides!) offers excellent guidance on distance learning right now (and how that contrasts with best practices in hybrid, online, and digital pedagogy).
- Link to the PowerPoint presentation:
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LnCjrd1BzKQMyBD4JBxg3_NVQeOqE8HYxdyWaBIRdyU/edit#slide=id.p
English Department Pre-Fall 2020 Distance Learning Forum (9/3/2020)
Kelly Aliano, Lauren Navarro, Leah Richards, Bethany Holmstrom, Neil Meyer, Rachel Boccio, Ximena Gallardo, J. Elizabeth Clark, and Tara Coleman discuss student engagement in a distance mode, address strategies and assignments for low stakes and close reading in ENG 102, community building in asynchronous classes, and affective methodologies, including trauma-informed approaches to ENA 101. There is also advice on captioning videos and links to many resources and free webinars covering the range of topics in this forum.
- Link to the agenda:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U7OSD_BofFhte9_3pTHAHp9Sni-EdjxFw13BYpxgqC4/edit
- Link to the presentation:
Engaging Students on Blackboard and Zoom (9/23/2020)
Dominique Zino, Allia Abdullah-Matta, Tara Coleman and Lucy McNair cover everything from helping students follow along to organizing breakout groups and small informal chats, peer-to-peer learning, using whiteboard, operating backchannels for discussion, creating polls, Google forms, and more! Tons of links and resources.
- Link to the notes & tools:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_viNZjYJvt7lbqmOelcSjm3sfSQvf8x8Y1eOCKgxoo/edit
Videos in Distance Learning (10/30/2020)
Bijoyeta Das, Belkis Gonzalez, and Jason Hendrickson present on designing and implementing pre-recorded instructional videos in class, including how to use Screencast-o-Matic. Excellent “How To” tips for creating your own video content.
- Link to the notes & tools:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ThSTrAV6lXI3WeCHsMEpY3TZlXUO4ucW81n0tTkjy_Q/edit
Giving Feedback on Student Writing (11/13/2020)
Misun Dokko, Ting Man Tsao, and Olga Aksakalova share tips on providing generative feedback to students on low-stakes assignments (both in and out of class writing), discussion posts, and high stakes essays. Links and tips available for Turnitin Feedback Studio, Google Docs, Blackboard Collaborative, and more!
- Link to the agenda:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aErLLLb6jCqgZGyrcFUkHYY7jQP9q0DAX392CVkJiOw/edit
- Link to the presentation:
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/d0ujl9y66dzhkaw/11.13.20%20English%20Dept%20Distance%20Learning%20Forum%2C%20Giving%20Feedback.mp4?dl=0
Lessons from Distance Learning (6/10/2021)
Discussion about what tools and strategies from distance learning (and from pre-COVID online and hybrid teaching) we will keep when we return to campus next year. Tara Coleman, Dominique Zino, Bethany Holmstrom, Leah Richards, and Kimberly Ramirez also share their approaches to social annotation.
The agenda has additional resources related to social annotation, including two screencasts by Tara and Dominique giving more details about how they use Perusall, and two posts on HASTAC about social annotation shared by Bethany.
- Link to the agenda:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xFkGN8UfF54dk5KX-1yjnhghmKlWKJnKHiUXaywQH9Y/edit?usp=sharing
- Link to the presentation:
Hybrid and Digital Pedagogy Site
The English department’s Hybrid and Digital pedagogy webpage explaining the logistics of hybrid education at LaGuardia, how to become qualified to teach, and models for designing hybrid courses.
Additional Resources and Infographics
(external sources)
Using Video to Assess Student Attention
- Quick infographic focused on how to assess student attention in video classes including: choice, real-time check in and digital assessment tools.
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YVuiOzeu0Uf0TkTg6uW5rEtiW6TLlCaY/view?usp=sharing
“Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement”
- An Edx blog post by Philip Guo of the University of Rochester on using video in class. It’s a great post, but the quick answer is: 6 minutes. Chunking video makes sure that students can stay focused (If you like this article, it’s part of a series).
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eNXNkd7B67ewUC2O_VjBgB6A9xJstIi1/view?usp=sharing
“ACUE’s 10 Inclusive Teaching Practices”
- From the Association of College and University Educators, this tip sheet is a starting point for thinking about diversity, equity and inclusion in your classroom. It is not meant as a shortcut to deep, meaningful, reflective conversation and pedagogical practice, but it is a good starting point.
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/18JOc9L-aB98h8bzqIvgxNlm5Jxbws3E3/view?usp=sharing
“Inclusive Learning Design Tree”
- Created by Virna Rossi, this visual representation of inclusive learning provides a nice overview of her approach to inclusive learning as ethos.
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yAb90mQCArqBMOsLdQ-HE5IW5-lYj825/view?usp=sharing
“Trauma-Informed Teaching: During the Transition to Virtualized Learning and in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic”
- Mays Imad and Lisa C. Schumaier’s 6 principles for trauma-informed teaching
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kKQD1nyVPvd0WCSltfLpRfZYotZDmcGP/view?usp=sharing
“10 Activities to Foster Deep Reading in Digital Environments”
- Helpful set of strategies to support better critical reading online, developed by Jenae Cohn.
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BrM3SDsxn5Tc4eQmQU5X7XP9zJEzz2nU/view?usp=sharing
“Building a Pedagogy of Care with Social and Emotional Presence”
- Developed by Sarah Rose Cavanagh and Joshua Eyler, this video and resource list provides strategies to think about affect and the importance of social and emotional presence in our teaching.
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iFUuLBVOAc&feature=youtu.be
- Discussion questions and recommended readings:
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/13vh-kyfnNpC0jRLywbn_1hu2cqX7kRwi/view?usp=sharing
“Strategies for Approachable Asynchronous Feedback for Both Online Writing Tutors and Instructors”
- This quick resource shows how highlighting patterns and using comment titles can help aid asynchronous feedback. Created by Beth Nastachowski.
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nqqdhi38M_eCwW9UOHXtPykYxY86Qn-2/view?usp=sharing
Rethinking Accessibility in OWI
- Focusing on access-ready and access-invitation, this quick resource by Cat Mahaffey has some key points about teaching online.
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iW9ITtwFQEwqND4Hd2ysk5-aXutquB4o/view?usp=sharing