The following extra credit assignments are based on chapter 9.3 – “Typical Ethics Issues in technical Writing” from the book TECHNICAL WRITING by Allison Gross, Annemarie Hamlin, Billy Merck, Chris Rubio, Jodi Naas, Megan Savage, and Michele DeSilva
This reading can be found On Blackboard – Go to Readings, Week 6, and look inside Monday Folder or Tuesday folder (depending on class).
Extra Credit # 1
Look over the following graph carefully. In at least one paragraph, explain why this graph is misleading and then explain how you would correct this graph to represent the present data more accurately.

Extra Credit # 2
Read “Stopping COVID-19 with Misleading Graphs” by Nikita Kotsehub on the following link:
In at least one paragraph, thoroughly explain how graphs shown in this article were made to mislead people on purpose AND how such misinformation can be harmful to many. Make sure to quote at least twice from the article and make sure to follow proper APA citation standards.
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