Teaching Note:
This activity is modified from the article “Academic English A Conceptual Framework: Technical Report-1” by Robin Scarcerella (2003). In this report, Scarcerella specifically discusses the challenges of students who are second language English speakers in terms of academic discourse and navigating the work of being a student. She provides readers with an email a student sent requesting to work with a professor who then rejects his request because of “Syntax, spelling, whew!” In this exercise, you can use this email and ask students to edit it for cohesion so that the “ask” of the student is clear. You can also use this to help students understand the expectations around writing emails to faculty and staff members which they might be unfamiliar with. First, have the student read the email and answer the questions and rewrite the email. Next, invite them to share with other students-either in groups or through a Discussion Board or a full-class discussion. Finally, facilitate discussion around academic discourse regarding communication expectations.
Student Activity:
Directions: This student wants to work on a project with a professor. Read the email that they wrote to the professor, and then answer the following questions about it:
Dear Dr.
How do you do? My name is Duy Nguyen. I am a student in UCI currently on the freshman level. I am going to be atend Biology 5C next year, but during the summer, I would like to continue my study on the subject. Although my major is in Social Science, I am consider to have Biology as my second major. I am currently attending Professor Campbell lecture. He suggested to me that maybe I should seek around to for resarch projects, since it would be much more beneficial and interesting to have actual hands on experience. He suggest that maybe I should contact you to see would it be possible for you to provide me with some information. As I have understand that you are currently conducting a research on the subject of plasma, and I would like to know more about it, that is, if I am not costing any inconvenience. Thank you very much, and have a good day.
- What does Duy want?
- How could Duy make this email stronger?
- What would you change?
- Rewrite this email using your own words.
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