How to Use Blackboard: A Guide for My ENG099 Students
Professor Neil Meyer, ENG099, Spring I 2020
(Last Updated: 3-17-2020)
Greetings everyone! Since we will be using Blackboard to do almost all of our work for the remainder of the semester, I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to find instructions for using Blackboard. The site can be a little un-friendly and confusing at times; this is true for me, so I suspect it is true for you too! I will update the directions as we learn from each other how to handle things.
1. Announcements
There are no directions to worry about here. I will use “Announcements” just to make sure you are getting updated information. I will email everyone through Blackboard, but will post things as “Announcements” just to make sure you can find information easily. Announcements are at the top of our class Home Page.
2. Blogs
On our class homepage, on the left-hand side, you will see our “Blog” as one of the links. Click on this and then click “ENG099 Class Blogs.” Here are the blogs of the entire class. When you enter you land at your home blog. When you click on your name, you will see the name of every student and me. When I ask you to visit my blog, or the blog of another student, this is how you will navigate to these locations.
2.1 Posting to your blog:
Above the blog instructions you will see the button “Create Blog Entry.” Click on this to begin a post. I will often ask you to give your post a specific title in the “Title” box—that is so I can find it more easily. The text box works just like an email. Type what you want to say and when you are done, click “Post Entry.” If you need to walk away and come back to finish your post, click “Save Entry as Draft.”
2.2 Attaching a file to a blog post:
The paper clip icon allows you to attach a file to your blog post. I prefer that you attached files in Microsoft Word format. If not that, then convert the file into a PDF. You CANNOT attach a Google Doc into Blackboard, but you can convert a Google Doc into PDF.
2.3 Editing a Blog Post:
Remember, I do not grade your blog posts on grammar, spelling, or anything like that. But you might want to edit or change a post after you have posted it. On your blog, next to the title, is a grey arrow. Click on this. You can “Edit” if you want to make changes or “Delete” if you need to get rid of the whole thing.
2.4 Commenting on the post of another:
If you want to respond to something someone else wrote on their blog, simply click the “comment” button at the bottom left-hand corner of the post. Type your comment and click “submit.”
3. Blackboard Collaborate
Blackboard Collaborate is where we will hold online “live” classes. Click on “Blackboard Collaborate” on the left-hand tab. I will set up a class session for each date we are meeting. When you click on the course date you will see the button “Join Course Room.” I will be there along with any other students who are able to attend live. Remember—attendance will not be based on live attendance to our online sessions. If you can’t attend for whatever reason, that’s OK. Everything we discuss in these sessions will be on my blog or sent to you via email. But if you can attend during our regular class time, please do! It might make your learning a bit easier and I will be there to answer any questions you have.
3.1 Using the Microphone and Camera:
At the bottom of the screen you will see a microphone and camera icon. If there is a line through them, that means your microphone and/or camera are muted. Click on them to mute/unmute. If you aren’t speaking, it is probably best to keep your microphone on mute. That will cut down on unnecessary sounds from all of our computers from cluttering the classroom.
3.2 Raising Your Hand:
If you want to ask me a question, click the “Raise Hand” icon at the bottom of the screen. I will check in with you as soon as I am able.
3.3 Chatting:
On the bottom right is an arrow. When you click on this you will open the chat function of Blackboard Collaborate. You can ask me questions there, or say hello or comment with other students.
3.4 Leave Session:
When you need to go, click on the icon in the upper-left-hand corner. At the bottom of that menu you will find the “Leave Session” button.
4. Writing Project Submissions
On the menu on the left-hand side of our home page you will see the link “Writing Project Submissions.” This is where you will submit your rough and final drafts of each writing project.
4.1 Submitting a Draft:
Find the assignment you are submitting for. Then, click the “view/complete” button under that assignment. You will be prompted to upload your file. Blackboard will confirm that your file has been uploaded. There will be separate links for the rough and final draft of each assignment.
4.2 Peer Editing:
5. Content
On the menu on the left-hand side of our home page you will see the link “Content.” This is where I will post readings, assignment sheets, grading rubrics—any document I use in class will be saved here for you to find later.
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