Enlist a Second Reader (Writing Center)
Note to Instructor: This assignment aligns with Step Seven: Enlist a Second Reader (Or More)! (Slide 11 of “Revision and Self-Editing in ENA 101: A Guide to ‘Glow Up’ Your Writing” by Lauren Navarro, adapted from “7 Steps to a Foolproof Revision” by Don Fry). It is also an opportunity to expose students to on-campus resources, another goal of ENA101.
This assignment is based on the Writing Center’s website, as of 8/4/2021. You may need to update this assignment based on changes to the Writing Center’s operations as we return to campus.
While it is good to encourage students to use the Writing Center, we are discouraged from requiring it for our courses, as strict requirements result in students doing perfunctory visits rather than using the facility in good faith.
Writing is tough! No good writer is completely on their own. A second reader can point out things that you may have missed! They may point out lapses in logic or holes in your argument
Use your ENA peers as test readers! If your professor gives you the opportunity for peer or group work, take it. If you need more feedback, you can ask friends, family, and your fellow students. You can also book a visit at the Writing Center!
Brainstorm: Have you used the Writing Center in the past? What do you think would be helpful about it? What do you think would be difficult about it? Take 3-5 minutes to write down your ideas.
Review: This is a list of offerings from the Writing Center. Circle the ones that sound like they might be helpful to your writing.
- finding or narrowing a focus for your writing
- working out an outline or writing plan
- developing detailed, effective paragraphs
- using quotes and citation appropriately
- zeroing in on specific grammar issues
- reviewing a finished piece before submission
- revising graded work
Explore/Watch: Visit the Writing Center’s website:
English Writing Center | LaGuardia Community College
Click on “How to make an online appointment.”
Watch the how-to video (5:49).
Note: Write down the steps required to schedule an appointment. You can use this information if you decide to make an appointment in the future.
Reflect: Write 3-5 sentences reflecting on your experience with doing this activity. Do you think you would schedule an appointment with the Writing Center in the future? Why or why not?
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