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Teaching Writing at LaGuardia

Tag: Ethics

  • Understanding the Audience and Learning How to Write for Each Specific Audience Type for ENG 259 by Nilo Bermeo

    OER Material Used: Technical Writing pdf by Gross et al. Book Section – Chapter 2 – Audience Analysis Overview of Chapter Names and defines types of audiences (Experts, Technicians, Executives, and Non-specialists) Details the needs and interests of each type of audience Explains how to adapt to whatever audience type you encounter Non-OER Reading Material…


  • Low-Stakes Assignment and In-Class Sequence on Ethics in Technical Communication for ENG 259 by Anna Voisard

    Entry Point: Texts (to be read for homework): Textbook:Chapter 3, Open Technical Communication (OTC) or Article:“An Engineer’s Eureka Moment with a GM Flaw” by Bill Vlasic Homework Assignment Read Chapter 3. Take note of the vocabulary (utility, rights, justice, and care) used todiscuss ethics. Read “An Engineer’s Eureka Moment with a GM Flaw” by…
