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Teaching Writing at LaGuardia

Tag: syllabi

  • Black text Important Updates with yellow, red, and blue paintbrush stripe

    Spring 2022 Syllabus Updates

    Reminders that as we head into a new semester, that in addition to the usual information, you should include the following on your syllabus: 1. Your contact information 2. Mode of instruction 3. Course learning objectives (course proposals can be found on our SharePoint site) 4. Pathways SLOs for the Pathways category of the course you are teaching (see below) 5.…


  • Black Text Logo: Sample Syllabus ENG 103 with yellow, red, and blue stripe

    Deirdre Flood–ENG 103 Syllabus

    ENG 103: THE RESEARCH PAPER  Fall 2020  ENG 103.0908  Prof. Deirdre Flood Email: [email protected]  Format: Asynchronous  Office Hours: Mondays 2:00-5:00 PM via Zoom  Course Description from College Catalog:  In this course, students engage in the process of developing an independent academic research project. The course emphasizes strategies for selecting an appropriate academic research topic; formulating research…


  • Black Text Reading ENG 103 Course Resources with yellow, red, and blue paintbrush stripe

    ENG 103–The Research Paper

    Course Description 3 credits; 3 hours In this course, students engage in the process of developing an independent academic research project. The course emphasizes strategies for selecting an appropriate academic research topic; formulating research questions; conducting, integrating and citing research; and developing an argument. Students deepen their sense of audience awareness, as they engage in…


  • Black Text Reading ENA 101 Course Resources with yellow, red, and blue paintbrush stripe

    ENA 101–Composition I Accelerated

    Course Description 3 credits; 7 hoursFulfills “Pathways: Required Core” In this course students write coherent essays in varied academic formats, both in and out of class, responding to culturally diverse materials and using appropriate technology. Studentsin this course will fulfill all stated objectives of English 101. Three additional hours each week support students with lower…
