The assignments below come from faculty who participated in the ENA 101 Reboot Seminar led by Jacqueline Jones and Tara Coleman in 2022-2023. With a focus on the present and future of Accelerated Learning Program courses in writing at LaGuardia, the ENA 101 Reboot seminar explores the following questions:
- With the elimination of Basic Writing, what resources do faculty need to work with students who previously might not have placed into ENA101?
- With the elimination of remedial reading courses, how can we build more support for the integration of reading and writing into our ENA101 courses?
- How can we guide our ENA101 students through a robust inquiry process as they work towards their high-stakes Inquiry and Problem Solving assignments in English 101?
In addition, at the conclusion of the seminar, participants develop a project related to seminar themes. Project types include revision or creation of model ENA 101 teaching materials, pedagogical research, etc.